Maintaining program quality

Holyoake’s DRUMBEAT accreditation process helps maintain the high quality of program delivery. We offer three levels of accreditation:

1.    Provisional Accreditation: You will be awarded provisional accreditation when you complete the DRUMBEAT Facilitator training program or the Online Training.

2.   Full Accreditation: After delivering one 10-session DRUMBEAT program within 12 months of gaining provisional accreditation, you may apply for full DRUMBEAT accreditation. As a fully accredited DRUMBEAT Facilitator, you will be entitled to:

  • Deliver the program to your clients;

  • Access program delivery resources;

  • Submit reports about your experiences and view those from other facilitators;

  • Submit and view DRUMBEAT final performance videos.

  • Extended an invitation to join the DRUMBEAT closed group Facebook page

3.   Senior Accreditation: As a Senior Facilitator, you will be an endorsed supplier of DRUMBEAT sessions. Criteria for senior accreditation are:

  • A minimum of three 10-session DRUMBEAT programs delivered over a 2-year period;

  • Evidence of program delivery by submitting the Declaration Form;

  • Providing Holyoake with an evaluation of at least one group you have facilitated using the Research Report.

Only Holyoake is authorised to issue DRUMBEAT accreditation certification.

“Great training – engaging, well balanced, empowering, professional and inclusive.”  

 Carolyn Hart, Senior Music Therapist,
Adelaide Women’s and Children’s Hospital